Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Is it possible to not think? The question ignites many thoughts alone. Attempts to pause, freeze, or stopppp frustratingly cause more mind boggle. As new fixations surpass all intentions: to be still, to listen alone, to quiet the mind - one can only wonder how to "free your mind."

This question spurs a process. Either one can quit and continue to romp in overindulgence of thought, or perhaps rebel against the ego brain.

There are meditations, activities, and "the breath." How to find or succeed in these options are up to ones own accord and comfort. These navigate the mind to calm some. Perhaps, that may be all we need. A respite. A calm. A lull.

In this time of the massive info superhighway, where information is bottled down to searches. I propose slowing down and retreating from instantaneous search engine gratifications. Give some space and air between thought and answer. Allow reactivity to dilute.

Rebel - Regress:

1) visit a library
2) by stamps and get a pen pal in Wyoming
3) read Shel Silverstein's epic Poetry
4) ask someone over the age of 60 their birth story
5) glue something together
6) make a photo copy of your drivers license
7) plant a plant
8) wait in line
9) ____________________ (please fill in)

Retreating a little from the instant now may give us room to actually experience the present and examine our connectivity from a non-electric non-wired world. Not thinking is possibly not possible, but not trying is possibly not thinking.