Saturday, October 10, 2009


favorite book at the time : Island of the Blue Dolphins

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


So: I have been absent from workin society for a month, yep. I left to the sweet Aina o Maui - to visit my dear lova the Pacific Ocean. On my way back to the
way loud big busy city I made a jet lag pause in L.A. (this is important).

Randomly, I was O.C.D.'n about sea creatures and kept heavy eyes on the big blue. There in local Los Angeles waters (in my newly reconnected water-lady state) I was vibin' something lerky. So, I opted to duck baby waves vs. paddle out....thus lay horizontally on the Venice and Santa Monica sand.

Well, to my dang vibin-surprise a day upon returning to yo yo Brooklyn I learned that Homeboy Great White literally popped up in thee ole surfin turf. Where: Sunset Beach (where a high tide puts you straight on the rocks)

The crazy thing is I dig it. And now that I know I have these ocean-clairvoyant abilities I have decided two things:

1) whale rider is a true story
2) sharks evolved from really creative and hungry dolphins

* the shark was approximately 8 - 10 ft long and was seen breaching on On October 3, 2009 at 9 a.m. Photo by Randy Wright of Horizon's West Surf Shop, Santa Monica. This awesome creature has been spotted since May 2009 cruising the area and keeping clear of surfers, SUP's, and probably fishing boats too.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Technicolor Tapestries advocates
Verse yourself with a golden age of epic sax solos (1978 - 1989).

Personal fav: Gerry Rafferty - Baker Street


Tuesday, September 22, 2009


September 22nd is Elephant Appreciation Day in America, ever has been since the ripe old year of 1996. Islam, THE RELIGION, has been on it's PACHYDERM-APPREESH GAME SINCE 570AD (meh, it's more of a Muhammad b-day jawn)... but we still win over Thailand which just started feeling appreciative in 1998. Seriously, guys?
But really, who doesn't love elephants?
Some facts about elephants that you may not know:
They eat about 500 pounds of food a day.
They piss about 50 gallons a day.
They shit about 100 pounds a day.
Pretty sure they have magic powers.

and so in honor of elephant appreciation day...

This is in New Jersey. NEXT 9/22, PEOPLE.


yes, a randy fruitcake of an elephant painted these



firm believer in ending with elegance

Saturday, August 15, 2009


  1. A solid figure whose bases or ends have the same size and shape and are parallel to one another, and each of whose sides is a parallelogram.
  2. A transparent body of this form, often of glass and usually with triangular ends, used for separating white light passed through it into a spectrum or for reflecting beams of light.
  3. A cut-glass object, such as a pendant of a chandelier.
  4. A crystal form consisting of three or more similar faces parallel to a single axis.
  5. A medium that misrepresents whatever is seen through it.


1. a transparent block, often with triangular ends and rectangular sides, used to disperse light into a spectrum or refract it in optical instruments
2. Maths a polyhedron with parallel bases and sides that are parallelograms [Greek prisma something shaped by sawing]


Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Is it possible to not think? The question ignites many thoughts alone. Attempts to pause, freeze, or stopppp frustratingly cause more mind boggle. As new fixations surpass all intentions: to be still, to listen alone, to quiet the mind - one can only wonder how to "free your mind."

This question spurs a process. Either one can quit and continue to romp in overindulgence of thought, or perhaps rebel against the ego brain.

There are meditations, activities, and "the breath." How to find or succeed in these options are up to ones own accord and comfort. These navigate the mind to calm some. Perhaps, that may be all we need. A respite. A calm. A lull.

In this time of the massive info superhighway, where information is bottled down to searches. I propose slowing down and retreating from instantaneous search engine gratifications. Give some space and air between thought and answer. Allow reactivity to dilute.

Rebel - Regress:

1) visit a library
2) by stamps and get a pen pal in Wyoming
3) read Shel Silverstein's epic Poetry
4) ask someone over the age of 60 their birth story
5) glue something together
6) make a photo copy of your drivers license
7) plant a plant
8) wait in line
9) ____________________ (please fill in)

Retreating a little from the instant now may give us room to actually experience the present and examine our connectivity from a non-electric non-wired world. Not thinking is possibly not possible, but not trying is possibly not thinking.

Friday, June 19, 2009


...because I am in California. 
but here's some poignant BBQ imagery for you, dear reader, to make you as sour as I am that you aren't at a BBQ right now either (even though, come to think of it, the only people who read this blog probably ARE actually at Marissa's BBQ right now, whatever, jerks, it's 90 degrees here) 

BBQ brings people together 

yes this gun is for cooking BBQ

look how happy these people are to be eating BBQ

God Bless America and BBQ

memorable BBQ activities with friends  


sometimes BBQs can be awkward

I don't know what this has to do with BBQ but it kept showing up every time I googled the word BBQ so I guess it's important.  

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Father of the Bride 2
Vanity Fair
A Japanese Story 
Dan in Real Life 
Benny and Joon

Do not Judge, I have a fever and...
This selection was produced via Netflix's "Watch Instantly"
Can we please add more options Netflix?

Exception: Benny and Joon

It is a keeper, because I enjoy Mr. Depp's youthful swing in front of hospital windows and creepy but dreamy bit of hiding in trees. These are good things.


Katy Porter has ventured to the land of Golden Bears. CALIFORNIA.
I will check on her bike.

KATY: Thanks. I love you. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


... and then other times, I get discouraged... thinking that all the good ideas have just already been done...

side note: shout out to marissa who is really sick with a strange affliction and has been confined to her bed for the last two days. I hope its not from you doing your voodoo skillz on me the other night at the show. Transference!? 

Friday, June 12, 2009



Finally the 8 month winter is over, and it is now rainy, hot, and humid. So you decided to ride your bike to the YMCA, utilize a guest pass / get on a treadmill.

You set it at 30 minutes because your friend says no less.
Done, what, you stretch and go on an elliptical machine - again with the 30. Friend advises a 500 calories burn. Again you sweat, yep,
and now think about the Natives...the lodges... and the UPS man out the window. Mainly you think about his sweet brown shorts.

Cool down, done and how. Line up, drink icy water, splash your face. It is illuminated, bright and shiny.

Exit, with each step a floaty glide. Like a boat, like a moon, like Jesus.

The bike ride home is down, downhill. You pass trucks and inhale small particles / gag slightly. It is weird how life continued during your hour away with machines. So you ride on, ride on. Tossing your prophetic hair, pausing only to buy a red toothbrush.

And so it has begun. EXERCISE.

24 + 12 hours later a confused muscular system awakens and burns. You flex thinking of the Body Exhibit. Are you broken? or revived?

Are you ever going to be able to use your legs again? What day is it? Who are you?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Stop vidding against me or i will invade YOU


Now, I am totally aware that Captain Planet videos are a really easy target for comedic fodder, but that being said, seriously, watch these two videos and can we please discuss the many, many things that are so very wrong with all of this?  And then can we quote lines from them for the next couple of days? I just can't believe I failed to remember that this show tackled such big issues and resolved them with the most stupefying social and cultural incognizance EVER.  
side note: Marissa, I would like to think of us as Future Frauleins of sorts... the good, non-evil, nonselling-atomic-bombs-to-a-fauxMexItaliaGerman-hitler-of-the-past sorts of course.    

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Puffy paint is making a comeback this summer 2009 with all it's neon glories. So pump up the jam, pump it up!!

Welcome hot pink glitter glam bam into your ensembles and bedazzle your friends and fanny packs.

Why not go "green," puffy paint green! Revamp a shirt and reinvent your life. Word.


KATY: I endorse this message. Puffy paint has been a favorite 'tricky substance to spread evenly' of mine since my 10th birthday party. But, Riss, DO NOT put puffy paint on your leather fanny pack, we discussed this.


(shirt by )

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

FIRST POST EVER: Porcupines Will Fuck You Up

Last week, while brunchmunching at Riss's, I took a moment to see what insights her medicine cards might hold for me.  I pulled the Porcupine card.  I had pulled that card the last time too, a couple of weeks earlier. Apparently, I still have much to learn from personifying the innate spirit-trends of the Porcupine.  But after chancing upon this image today, I just feel the need to apologize to this poor fucking dog on behalf of all of us reluctant porcupines out there who just can't help but lose our shit when someone sticks their nose up in our bizness. Sorry, dog.