Thursday, June 11, 2009

Stop vidding against me or i will invade YOU


Now, I am totally aware that Captain Planet videos are a really easy target for comedic fodder, but that being said, seriously, watch these two videos and can we please discuss the many, many things that are so very wrong with all of this?  And then can we quote lines from them for the next couple of days? I just can't believe I failed to remember that this show tackled such big issues and resolved them with the most stupefying social and cultural incognizance EVER.  
side note: Marissa, I would like to think of us as Future Frauleins of sorts... the good, non-evil, nonselling-atomic-bombs-to-a-fauxMexItaliaGerman-hitler-of-the-past sorts of course.    


  1. Thank god this horrible alternate reality never took place. The toothbrush mustache was a sad loss, but could you imagine a world without the Fu Manchu? That would be a cold world indeed.

  2. see, that is exactly the type of important issue I wanted this post to raise. thank you, anonymous. and no, i can't imagine a world where baseball players everywhere would be deprived of such a pivotal facial hair option. the mind reels.

  3. if bitch hadn't dropped that a-bomb book, half of belfast would still be around today.
